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Welcome to St. Joseph School

Bill Koppes Photo Bill Koppes
Bill Koppes
NVCA President

We Are Saint Joseph

Sitting aside Saint Joseph Parish atop the west, Redding hill rests Shasta County's premier Catholic college preparatory TK-8 school. At Saint Joseph School, we foster the growth of each student as a sacred individual, in a safe environment that promotes Gospel values, Catholic traditions, and academic excellence.

Our well-rounded curriculum includes the traditional disciplines as well as performing arts, computer science, robotics and engineering, religious studies, service projects, and public speaking. Saint Joseph School nurtures students as unique individuals. Instruction hinges on high expectations and generating a diverse set of skills to ensure all our students are ready to compete and excel in an ever-changing, complex world.

It is our ardent prayer that together, with the grace of God, we will shine forth from this beautiful school on the hill so our children may be the light of our world.

Josh Schwerdt Photo
Josh Schwerdt
College & MajorSonoma State University, History Major
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolThe family atmosphere of SJS is my favorite. My kids attend SJS, my mom is also a teacher and my dad was the principal for 35 years.
Favorite Vacation SpotSo many! Park City, Utah and any zoo, Disneyland, Europe, Seattle (Seahawks games) and Philadelphia (Phillies games) if we had to pick a few
Who is in your FamilyMy wife Tara and our two boys who both attend SJS.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueSweep the Sheds - Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done
Lindy Mangas  Photo
Lindy Mangas
Transitional Kindergarten
College & MajorEarly childhood degree, Early childhood teaching credential, Mentor teacher at Shasta College
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolFamily oriented atmosphere
Favorite Vacation SpotHiking the Trinity Alps
Who is in your FamilyHusband, a Deacon at Saint Joseph and alumni of the school, Mike, three adult children and six grandchildren all of whom have attended or are current students of Saint Joseph School
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueKindness, kindness is contageous, what a wonderful tool to teach children
Natasha Ramirez  Photo
Natasha Ramirez
College & MajorSan Francisco State University, Early Childhood Development and Minor in Research and Public Policy
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolI love the beautiful friendships that blossom and last a life time
Favorite Vacation SpotOur family loves vacationing in Lake Tahoe, winter and summer adventures
Who is in your FamilyI am married and have a daughter, Hannah, who attends SJS, and two dogs, Duke and Diesel.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueFrom a wise mind comes speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." - Proverbs 16:23-24
Judy Schwerdt  Photo
Judy Schwerdt
First Grade
Judy Schwerdt
First Grade
Sarah Goehring  Photo
Sarah Goehring
Second Grade
College & MajorAshford/Simpson - BA of Ed
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolThe small community and accountability demonstrated with many families, which in turn supports the academic and behavioral development of students.
Favorite Vacation SpotAny mountain, near any lake.
Who is in your FamilyHusband, 2 Children
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueHope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us." Romans 5:5
Madison Styers  Photo
Madison Styers
Third Grade
College & MajorSacramento State BA in Liberal Studies
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolMy favorite part about SJS is the sense of community. Everyone is always so willing to help one another out; it's so amazing to see all of the generosity and kindness.
Favorite Vacation SpotHawaii
Who is in your FamilyMy husband and our rescue dog, Rori
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueCourtesy is one of the most important virtues because without it, one lacks manners, respect, and kindness. All of these traits are important to have, especially in today's world.
LeeAnne Hall Photo
LeeAnne Hall
Fourth Grade
College & MajorCalifornia State University, Long Beach, Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolThe community that comes together to celebrate, mourn, cheer, and lift up each other every day.
Favorite Vacation SpotMy favorite vacation spot is either Ohio, Jamaica or Ireland, depending on why I am traveling.
Who is in your FamilyMy husband, 2 daughters and one cat.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueGive thanks to the Lord, for he is Good; His love endures forever. Psalm 107:1
Claudine Palmer  Photo
Claudine Palmer
Junior High
College & Major Graduate of the University of Dayton. Received my teaching certificate from Simpson University. Math Coach training is through Notre Dame University.
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph School Our school strives to guide the development of the whole child; spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially. I love to witness how the children grow into the person God has called them to be.
Favorite Vacation SpotWherever my family and I go in our camper. 🌅
Who is in your Family I am married and have 4 children; all students of SJS.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueI … urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace; one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:2-6
Carol Koppes  Photo
Carol Koppes
Junior High
College & MajorUniversity of Kansas BSE, Laverne University MA Credential, Chico State University Administrative Credential, National Board Certified Middle School LA
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolI love the inquisitive nature of the students of SJS, they want to learn, they are respectful students and, the importance of their Catholic faith which lends to discussions around vitures and ethics.
Favorite Vacation SpotAnna Maria Island in Florida and Disneyland
Who is in your Family Married to husband Tom. We have two adult children who are SJS alumni and five grandchildren who are students of SJS.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtuePsalm 23 continues to have a huge impact on my life
Julie Feser  Photo
Julie Feser
Junior High
College & MajorChico State University, BA in Liberal Studies with a supplement in ELA and Multi-Subject Credential from Simpson University
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolHands down, the close knit community, I love to teach and spend time with my students and co-workers in an enviornment where we all work hard and laugh a lot.
Favorite Vacation SpotAnywhere with my huge family; lakeside, riverside or oceanside
Who is in your FamilyTwo kids, Nick and Annie, two sisters, two brothers, in-laws, 10 nieces and nephews, two great-nieces and Dani the dog and Ella the cat
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueTrustworthiness as it is the base of all things good and only good can come from it
Tayler Polk  Photo
Tayler Polk
Middle School Science
College & MajorSimpson University, Biology
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolMy favorite part of SJS is the feeling of community!
Favorite Vacation SpotAnywhere with horses or Dirtbikes and no cell service!
Who is in your Family
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueWhatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people. You know that you will receive an inheritance as a reward.You serve the Lord Christ.” The Good News: No matter what you do, you are using the gifts that the Lord gave you. Colossians 3:23-24. I think that this verse has helped me to stay focused in the midst of the hardest parts of Life, and to remind me that as long as I have put forth my best, I am honoring God. 
Elizabeth McClellan  Photo
Elizabeth McClellan
Art Teacher
College & MajorU.C Davis and majored in Art and Art History
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolI went to school here, 1st through 8th, and many of my classmates belong to the community.
Favorite Vacation SpotA bookstore
Who is in your FamilyI'm surrounded by family here! I go to church with my Dad and watch my two sisters sing in the choir. I'm blessed with two more sisters and we visit as much as we can. I'm blessed with nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews!
Most Impactful Bible Verse or Virtue

1 Peter 5:10

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 

I read this verse a few days after my Mom died and felt sure that she was now restored, strong and herself once more and forever.
Jessica Damalerio  Photo
Jessica Damalerio
Music Teacher
College & MajorSan Francisco State University, B.S. in Business: Hospitality & Tourism Management
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolI attended St. Joseph School when it had a preschool and continued until I graduated 8th grade in 2014. As an alumni, I love talking to my students about my memories at SJS. The school has changed so much since I was a student. It's fantastic to see how much it has progressed and keeps progressing.
Favorite Vacation SpotSan Francisco! Every day, there is always a place to dance. On Sundays I love doing free swing dancing with the Lindy in the Park group at the Golden Gate Park.
Who is in your FamilyI have one younger sister, Jasmine, who also attended and graduated from St. Joseph School in 2021.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueKindness. Spread it like confetti!
Rorry Cowdin  Photo
Rorry Cowdin
Music Teacher
College & MajorUC Berkeley
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolMy favorite part of SJS is actually being able to connect with students who are happy to learn and participate in the subjects I am passionate about. The students never cease to surprise you!
Favorite Vacation SpotI love nature! I love hiking in the mountains and camping. Although, a nice day at the beach and swimming in the ocean is also great!
Who is in your FamilyI am 23 years old. I am the seventh and final child of my family. I have three sisters and three brothers all of varying ages. I am unmarried and have no children currently, but certainly plan to in the future!
Most Impactful Bible Verse or Virtue1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Christelle Bellingan  Photo
Christelle Bellingan
College & MajorUniversity of South Africa, Bcomm Degree
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolSchool community helped make our family feel "at home" when we moved here 12 years ago
Favorite Vacation SpotAnywhere on the coast
Who is in your FamilyTwo boys, Adam and Sam, who both attened Saint Joseph School are now in college and my husband John
Jenny Askeland Photo
Jenny Askeland
Office Manager
College & MajorCSU, Chico
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolI love the beautiful friendships that blossom and last a life timeI love that SJS has such an encouraging and supportive community.
Favorite Vacation Spot Oregon or anywhere on the coast
Who is in your FamilyI'm married and we have three kids, my oldest two are in college and one is a student here at SJS.
Most Impactful Bible Verse or VirtueYour word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 This verse was the first verse I ever memorized and it is an anchor that reminds me to always be guided by God's word.
Katie Perata  Photo
Katie Perata
Executive Director & Superintendent
Katie Perata
Executive Director & Superintendent
Terri Schwabauer  Photo
Terri Schwabauer
Regional Director
Terri Schwabauer
Regional Director
Alyssa Martin Photo
Alyssa Martin
Resource Teacher/NVCA
College & MajorWestern Governors University; Bachelors in Elementary Education
Favorite Part of Saint Joseph SchoolTeachers and students!
Favorite Vacation SpotHawaii
Who is in your FamilyMy husband Ian our fur-babies Todd and Spoomy!
Most Impactful Bible Verse or Virtue

"Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible." - Luke 1:37. 

This bible verse has carried me through mountains and valleys. There is a certain type of beauty that comes out of a challenge. Where the mind goes, the spirit follows. Relying on my faith has saved me.


Teacher:Student Ratio


Device To Student Ratio


Perform At Or Above Grade Level


No events


School-Wide Learning Expectations

It is the belief of St. Joseph School that to educate a student in the image of God, we must instruct the whole child. The academic, spiritual, social, and physical domains of the student's character must all be addressed. With this in mind, St. Joseph School graduates are prepared to INSPIRE and be:

Inspired Christians

Demonstrate the basic values of our Catholic faith.

Nurturing Individuals

Display good sportsmanship through respect and compassion for others.

Strategic Thinkers

Apply problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in academic and daily life.

Individually Aware

Make good choices, and take responsibility for their actions.

Productive Members of Society

Contributes to school local and global communities through personal and community service.

Respectful Communicators

Express ideas and personal values in both written and oral form.

Educationally Well-Rounded

Participate in physical fitness, technology, and the arts.