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Our Faith

Religious Instruction and Prayer Services

At St. Joseph School, religious instruction, character education, and worship are critical to our students’ growth and a key part of our school’s Catholic identity.

Religious instruction follows the diocesan religion standards . Character education is integrated into every aspect of what we do, but we use the Education in Virtue program to ensure a common language and common expectations in our formation. In conjunction with these programs, the students take part in the following to provide a culture of service and an opportunity for worship:

  • School-wide daily morning prayer
  • Wednesday morning Mass
  • Classroom prayer services
  • Religious education
  • Reconciliation services
  • First Communion preparation – Second graders are prepared for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion through the second-grade curriculum as well as the parish Faith Formation Program
  • Students in the seventh grade are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • School-wide Celebrations - This includes a Passion Play, the Way of the Nativity, May Crowning, and many other paraliturgical celebrations
  • Students go on grade level retreats from the second grade 1st Communion Retreat to the Junior High Lassen Retreat.

Student Body Masses

Students attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday and on special feast days. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to celebrate the Eucharist with the school community.

Altar Servers

Students in grades 4-8 are encouraged to serve the Parish by training to be altar servers. The ministry is open to students who are baptized Catholics and faithful to Mass attendance.